Monday, December 24, 2018

‘Argentum’ - Overview

2018 – G20 multimedia show at Teatro Colón ‘Recurring musical Passages and Themes’ 

All counter digit indications located in the video progress bar belongs to Argentumperformance at Teatro Colòn in Buenos Aires on November 30, 2018 ( YouTube title ‘Argentum, el espectáculo que emocionó al G20’ ).

The musical director Nicolas Sorin claims that the opening of ‘Argentum’ is an adaptation in part of his ‘Antarctic Symphony’. {YouTube title 'Sinfonia Antartica (work in progress)'

Whilst in regard to leitmotiv (*), his statement:
"We took about four minutes to open the show {‘Ondeggiare’ (gruppo dei archi) Introduction followed by ‘Spiccato’ (gruppo dei archi) Overture - counter 00:01 thru 04:59}, which begins in Patagonia, and a fragment then becomes the leitmotif that makes the transition between each of the regions",
raises the first question:
is he referring to Georges Bizet‘s , Giacomo Puccini‘s and Giuseppe Verdi‘s reminiscent leitmotivs, to Franz Liszt‘s transforming leitmotivs or to Richard Strauss and Richard Wagner‘s allusive leitmotivs ? 

(*) Leitmotif, German Leitmotiv (“leading motive”), is a recurring musical theme appearing usually in operas but also in symphonic poems. It is used to reinforce the dramatic action, to provide psychological insight into the characters, and to recall or suggest to the listener extramusical ideas relevant to the dramatic event.

In regard to Overture, his statement:
“the overture of the show is mainly from the symphony which I wrote (Sinfonía Antártica) which at the same time functions as the leitmotiv for spinning all the regions”,
raises the first assumption:
he is referring to the ‘Spiccato’ (gruppo dei archi) Overture (counter 02:21 thru 05:09) and surely not to the Malambo Overture (counter 05:10 thru 07:15) which consists of excerpts from scene V – Final dance ‘Malambo’ of Alberto Ginastera`s one Act Ballet 'Estancia' (scenes I thru V).

However, the overall Overture isn’t constructed as in Jean-Baptiste Lully‘s French overture tradition (adagio-allegro-adagio sections) or farthest as in Alessandro Scarlatti‘s Italian overture tradition (allegro-adagio-allegro sections), which could wrongly lead us to believe that we are instead in the presence of a concert Overture:

The concert overture, is based on the style of overtures to Romantic operas, and became established in the 19th century as an independent, one-movement work, which took either the classical sonata form or the free form of a symphonic poem. Examples of such works include Felix Mendelssohn’s ‘Hebrides’ overture and Elliott Carter’s much later ‘Holiday overture. Concert overtures were also written for performance on special occasions, i.e., Johannes Brahms’ ‘Academic Festival’ overture. Other works, such as Beethoven’s overture to Goethe’s ‘Egmont’, originally were intended to be performed as an introduction to a spoken play.

As to avoid jumping into conclusions, a more appropriate approach would be guessing the ‘Spiccato’ Overture section resembles Christoph Gluck‘sAlceste’ and in ‘Iphigénie en Tauride’ Operas, where the overtures instead of closing before the curtain rises, merge into the music and the mood of the opening Act. Even Mozart in his Overtures also set the emotional tone of the drama to follow, as in ‘Don Giovanni’ and ‘Die Zauberflöte’ (The Magic Flute) where he alludes to themes from the operas. Similar thematic anticipation occurs in the works of Carl Maria von WeberBeethoven and  Richard Wagner (‘Tristan und Isolde’). But in this special case and considering Nicolas Sorin statement: “the overture is mainly from the symphony (Sinfonía Antártica)” , the ‘Spiccato’ Overture section (counter 02:21 thru 05:09) seems it functions rather as a thematic retardation , since derives from a previously performed musical fragment, the ‘Ondeggiare’ Introduction (counter 00:01 thru 02:26).

In regard to Program Act listing, there is a discrepancy between the Printed Program and the Video Program :

Printed Program (Actos)
1. Patagonia -
    Tierra del Fuego, Antartic & south Atlantic Isles, Chubut, Neuquèn,
    SantaCruz & RioNegro, south Mendoza/LaPampa/Buenos Aires
2. Cuyo -
    Mendoza, SanJuan, SanLuis & south LaRioja
3. Centro -
    Pampa Humeda: Buenos Aires, south SantaFe, southeastern Cordoba
    and east LaPampa
4. Litoral - 
    Misiones, Corrientes y EntreRíos (Mesopotamia between rivers
    Paranà/Uruguay), Formosa, Chaco (northeast upto river Paraguay)
    and SantaFe (between rivers Salado/Parana)
5. Norte -
    Jujuy, Salta, Tucumán, Catamarca, northern LaRioja y Santiago
    DelEstero, west Formosa/Chaco and  northwestern Córdoba.

Video Program (Actos) as appearing in Television Publica broadcast
Act numbering DOES NOT match the one in Printed Program:
1. Patagonia  Acto 1. Patagonia announced on screen at 08:29
                                                        thru 08:48
2. Centro    Acto 2. Centro announced on screen at 12:40 thru 12:53
3. Litoral   Acto 3. Litoral announced on screen at 21:37 thru 21:46  
4. Norte   Acto 4. Norte announced on screen at 25:56 thru 26:53
    and supposedly coming next
5. Cuyo   
Assuming Acto 1. Patagonia lower third (on-screen text or graphic overlay) placement at counter 08:29 IS correct, the musical structure is as follows:
Basic Formal Units  (Motive, Phrase, Period) - Counter digits
G20 'Argentum' Colon show - Television Publica broadcast
 ( YouTube title ‘Argentum, el espectáculo que emocionó al G20’ 

Ondeggiare Introduction  (a type of string arpeggiato with Taurus 

00:00 thru 00:55 - Ondeggiare Introduzione
00:56 thru 01:23 - Theme I (Vn I) Exposition
                               (Orchestra layout 00:53 thru 01:14)
01:52 thru 02:18 - Theme I (Vn I & II) Exposition
                               (Flauti arpeggiato 01:48 thru 02:18)

BREAK DOWN Intro - time signature 4/4 (simple meter)
Period I (8 measures)
00:02 thru 00:15 - Phrase A (4 measures)
                              Vn II Ondeggiare
                              Vl dactyl + spondee Pizz rhythm (semiphrase 
scenography: Colon theater curtain closed
choreography: none
Foot in poetic Classical meter. In quantitative verse, often used in
Greek or Latin. Dactyl is a long syllable followed by two short syllables,
Spondee two long syllable and Proseleusmatic are four short syllables.

00:16 thru 00:29 - Phrase B (4 measures)
                              Vn II Ondeggiare
                              Vl dactyl + proseleusmatic Pizz rhythm (semiphrase
                               repeated), thus
                              Vl dactyl Pizz rhythm (1st & 3rd measures)             
                              Vl proseleusmatic Pizz rhythm (2st & 4th measures)
scenography: Colon light chandelier
choreography: none           

Period II (8 measures)
00:30 thru 00:42 - Exposition
                              Phrase A (4 measures) - Anticipation Theme I
                              Vn I & Vn II Ondeggiare                  
                              Vl/Vc sustained whole note + proseleusmatic Pizz 
                              Flutes staccato included (semiphrase repeated)

00:43 thru 00:55 - Exposition
                              Phrase B (4 measures) - Anticipation Theme I
                              Vn I & Vn II Ondeggiare
                              Vl/Vc sustained whole note + proseleusmatic Pizz 
                              Flutes NOT included (semiphrase repeated)
scenography: Colon theater curtain opens
                       Multilingual Welcome Greetings
choreography: 5 kids representing regions I. Patagonia, II. Cuyo,
                         III. Centro, IV. Litoral and V. Norte.

Period III (8 measures)
00:56 thru 01:10 - Theme I (Vn I) Exposition
                               Phrase A (4 measures)
                               Vn II Ondeggiare                  
                               Vl/Vc sustained whole note + proseleusmatic Pizz 
                               Flutes staccato included (semiphrase repeated)

01:11 thru 01:23 - Theme I (Vn I) Exposition
                               Phrase B (4 measures)
                               Vn II Ondeggiare                  
                               Vl/Vc sustained whole note + proseleusmatic Pizz 
                               Flutes NOT included (semiphrase repeated)
scenography: Argentina physical location in South America
choreography: 5 kids representing regions
00:53 thru 01:14 - THIS Orchestra layout Theme I Exposition
                              Vn I  -  Left (far from stage)
                              Vn II -  Left (near stage) 
                               Vl    -  Right (near stage)
                               Vc   -  Right (far from stage)
                               Cb   -  Right (far from stage)

Period IV (8 measures)
01:24 thru 01:37 - Exposition
                              Phrase A (4 measures)
                              Tutti Archi Ondeggiare (except Cb)
                              Cb + Timpani proseleusmatic rhythm

01:38 thru 01:51 - Exposition
                              Phrase B (4 measures)
                              Tutti Archi Ondeggiare (except Cb)
                              Cb + Timpani proseleusmatic rhythm
                              Campane tubolari (2nd semiphrase - 1st measure)
                              Legni arpegiatto (2nd semiphrase - 2nd measure)
scenography: Argentina's land & sea
choreography: 5 kids representing regions
01:24 thru 01:30 - Orchestra layout

Period V (8 measures)
01:52 thru 02:04 - Theme I (Vn I & II) Exposition
                               Phrase A (4 measures)
                               Vl/Vc & gruppo dei Legni Ondeggiare
                               gruppo dei Ottoni (2nd and 4th measures)
                               Cb + Timpani proseleusmatic rhythm
                               Percussione (piatti manuale)

02:05 thru 02:18 - Theme I (Vn I & II) Exposition
                               Phrase B (4 measures)
                               Vl/Vc & Legni Ondeggiare                  
                               Cb + Timpani proseleusmatic rhythm
                               Campane tubolari (2nd semiphrase - 1st measure)
                               Percussione (piatti sospesi)
scenography: Southern penguins/whales & Andes Mountain range
choreography: 5 kids representing regions
02:18 thru 02:26 - Orchestra layout

Spiccato Overture  (a type of off-the-string bowing with Leo flavour)

02:21 thru 02:26 - Overture announced on screen
                              Orchestra layout
02:27 thru 02:49 - Vn II (pyrrhic rhythm) + Pizz. Vc
03:10 thru 03:30 - Theme II (Vc) Exposition
03:31 thru 03:56 - Theme II (Vn I) Exposition
03:57 thru 04:05 - Theme III (Vl/Vc) closing theme
04:27 thru 04:37 - Theme III (Vn I & Vn II) closing theme

Foot in poetic Classical meter. In quantitative verse, often used in
Greek or Latin.  Pyrrhic rhythm are two short syllables.

BREAK DOWN Overture - time signature 12/8 (compound meter), 
                                              then time signature 3/4 (simple meter)
Phrase I (4 measures)
02:50 thru 03:09 - Vn II (pyrrhic rhythm) overlaps change of time
                               signature to 12/8 (compound meter)
                               Vl/Vc Pizz + Flauti staccato
scenography: visual effects
choreography: all female but 2 male dancers performing 'zapateo' steps

Phrase II (4 measures)
03:10 thru 03:21 - Theme II (Vc) Exposition
                               time signature 12/8 (compound meter)
03:22 thru 03:30 - Orchestra layout Vc Theme II
scenography: visual effects
choreography: male and female dancing to a lyrical context

Phrase III (4 measures)
03:31 thru 03:56 - Theme II (Vn I) Exposition
                               Vn II detache pyrrhic rhythm
                               Phrase (4 measures) + additional measure (ottoni)
                               Orchestra layout Vn I Theme II (03:31 thru 03:39)
scenography: ship sailing ocean south and jumping whales
choreography: male and female dancing to a lyrical melody

Phrase IV (4 measures)
03:57 thru 04:05 - Theme III (Vl/Vc) closing theme
                               time signature to 3/4 (simple meter)
scenography: southern whales then visual effects
choreography: equine men (like Greek centaurs) dressed as 'gauchos'

Period (8 measures)
04:07 thru 04:18 - Coda (orchestra)
                               Phrase V (4 measures)
04:19 thru 04:26 - Coda (orchestra)
                               Phrase VI (4 measures)
                               Orchestra layout Equines (thru 04:27)
scenography: visual effects
choreography: equine men (like Greek centaurs) dressed as 'gauchos'

Phrase VII (4 measures)
04:27 thru 04:37 - Theme III (Vn I & Vn II) closing theme
                               Orchestra layout
scenography: Glacier 'Perito Moreno'
choreography: equine men (like Greek centaurs) dressed as 'gauchos'

Period (8 measures)
04:38 thru 04:59 - End themes Overture
scenography: Glacier 'Perito Moreno'
choreography: equine men (like Greek centaurs) dressed as 'gauchos'

05:00 thru 05:09 - Diminuendo & 1st Applause

Malambo Overture  (a male dance performed by ‘gauchos’)
05:10 thru 07:15 - Excerpts Ginastera 'Estancia' (Scene V Malambo)   
                              { Danza del trigo Scene II and Danza final Scene V
                                 danza final counter 04:58
                               Orchestra layout (06:26 thru 06:32)
07:16 thru 07:23 - 2nd Applause
scenography: running horses ('Pampa Humeda' region), northwestern 
                       canyons and visual effects
choreography: 'zapateo' performed by men (only two in traditional
                        'gaucho salteño' costume) and two female with 

Recurring musical Passages and Themes
G20 'Argentum' Colon show - Television Publica broadcast
 ( YouTube title ‘Argentum, el espectáculo que emocionó al G20’ 
Act 1. Patagonia 
07:50 thru 08:23 - Da Capo Ondeggiare Introduzione
                              Period I
08:24 thru 08:45 - Da Capo Ondeggiare Introduzione
                              only Phrase A (4 measures) Period II
                              Acto 1. Patagonia announced on screen at 08:29 thru 

Act 2. Pampa Humeda  (Centro)
11:40 thru 12:34 - Da Capo Ondeggiare Introduzione in Rock genre
                              Period I (truncate 6 measures)
12:35 thru 12:53 - Da Capo Ondeggiare Introduzione in Rock genre
                              only semiPhrase A (2 measures) Period II
                              Acto 2. Centro announced on screen at 12:40 thru 

Act 3. Litoral 
20:15 thru 20:55 - Da Capo Ondeggiare Introduzione
                              Period I Theme I (tempo adagio)
20:56 thru 21:15 - Da Capo Ondeggiare Introduzione               
                              only Phrase A Period II Theme I (tempo adagio)      

21:16 thru 21:46 - Spiccato Overture (same as in 02:19 thru 02:49)
                              Period I (truncate 6 measures)
                              Vn II (pyrrhic rhythm) + Pizz. Vc
                              Orchestra layout (21:45 thru 21:55)
                              Iguazu WaterFalls 21:21 thru 21:36
                              Acto 3. Litoral announced on screen at 21:37 thru 
21:47 thru 22:08 - Spiccato Overture
                              Phrase I (4 measures)
                              Vn II (pyrrhic rhythm) overlaps change of time
                               signature to 12/8 (compound meter)
                              Vl/Vc Pizz + Flauti staccato
                              Orchestra layout (21:46 thru 21:55)          
22:08 thru 22:27 - Spiccato Overture Theme II (vc)
                              Phrase II (4 measures) + 1 additional measure
                              time signatute 12/8 (compound meter)                  
                              Orchestra layout (22:04 thru 22:11)
                              dancer Julio Boca (22:12 thru 22:59)
22:28 thru 22:56 - Spiccato Overture Theme II (Vn I)
                              Phrase I (4 measures)
                              Vn II detache pyrrhic rhythm

Unless there are missing parts in this Television Publica video ( YouTube title ‘Argentum, el espectáculo que emocionó al G20’ ):
There are not Recurring musical Passages or Themes from Sinfonia Antartica (work in progress) connecting Act 3. Litoral with Act 4. Norte (Acto 4. Norte announced on screen 25:56 thru 26:53).

Furthermore, there aren`t Recurring musical Passages or Themes connecting Act 4. Norte with supposedly next last Act 5. Cuyo neither:
Act 5. Cuyo was never announced on screen. Unless unnoticed, it was not contained in this Television Publica live broadcasting  > OR < considering musical director Nicolas Sorin’s love affair with musical shakes, somehow it finished being mingled with 1. Patagonia  – Acto 1. Patagonia announced on screen at 08:29 thru 08:48.

G20 'Argentum' Colon show - Ricky Pashkus on  'Argentum'
                                              continued in 'Argentum' - Acto 1. Patagonia

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