Sunday, July 25, 2021

‘Argentum’ - Acto 1. Patagonia

(continued from 'Argentum’ – Overview 2018 - G20 multimedia show at Teatro Colón ‘Recurring musical Passages and Themes’)

All counter digit indications located in the video progress bar belongs to Argentumperformance at Teatro Colòn in Buenos Aires on November 30, 2018 ( YouTube title ‘Argentum, el espectáculo que emocionó al G20’ ).

The musical director Nicolas Sorin claims that the opening of ‘Argentum’ is an adaptation in part of his ‘Antarctic Symphony’ { You Tube title 'Nicolás Sorín Sinfónico - Sinfonía antártica I (Esperanza) Live at CCK Buenos Aires' 23-Feb-21 }, that “a fragment then becomes the leitmotif that makes the transition between each of the regions", and that “the overture of the show is mainly from the symphony”: In this regard, please refer to Overview.

Assuming Acto 1. Patagonia lower third (on-screen text or graphic overlay) placement at counter 08:29 IS NOT correct, would be appropriate to suggest a more veracious approach: 

A) it should be replaced by Acto 2. Cuyo lower third

B) Acto 1. Patagonia lower third should be placed at counter 00:56 , which is where the enunciation of Theme I (Vn I) of Exposition begins and the scenography shows the physical location of Patagonia within Argentina`s territory starting at counter 01:02 .

Acto 1. Patagonia ends at counter 05:00 thru 05:09, where there is a diminuendo and thereafter the 1st Applause, just before excerpts of Ginastera's 'Estancia' (Scene V Malambo) takes place. For the sake of being benevolent, the appearance of El Chaltèn’ mountain at counter 05:38, during the Malambo performance, might be considered a Patagonia reminiscence by means of image retardation.


There are specific on-screen texts or graphic overlays (not placed in lower third but on top center) which announces that Acto 1. Patagonia is in progress:

(¹) 'Patagonia region including provinces of' shown at counter 01:03

(²) 'Santa Cruz' shown at counter 01:05

(³) 'Neuquèn' shown at counter 01:15

(⁴) 'Tierra del Fuego, Antàrtida e islas Atlàntico Sur' shown at counter 01:16. Here the Patagonia region, within Argentina`s territory, is clearly displayed; which also includes provinces of Chubut, RioNegro and south Mendoza / LaPampa / Buenos Aires.

Thereafter, some characterstic places of the Patagonia region are outlined. 

() 'Vaca Muerta Shale' shown at counter 01:37

() 'Prehistoric Cave of Hands' shown at counter 01:39


() 'Piedra del Aguila' Hydroelectric Power Plant shown at counter 02:16

() 'Nahuel Huapi Lake' shown at counter 02:23

In the above Pic ‘Obertura’ (text in lower third) is crossed off because hardly any composer would insert an Overture while Act 1. is being performed. The word comes from the French word ‘ouverture’ which means ‘opening’.


Assuming Acto 1. Patagonia lower third (on-screen text or graphic overlay) placement at counter 08:29 IS NOT correct, the musical structure doesn`t change, however, heading names do change and therefore is as follows:

Basic Formal Units  (Motive, Phrase, Period) - Counter digits
G20 'Argentum' Colon show - Television Publica broadcast
 ( YouTube title ‘Argentum, el espectáculo que emocionó al G20’ 

Ondeggiare Introduction 

00:00 thru 00:55 - Ondeggiare Introduzione
Ondeggiare Acto 1. Patagonia   
(a type of string arpeggiato with Taurus flavour)
00:56 thru 01:23 - Theme I (Vn I) Exposition
                               (Orchestra layout 00:53 thru 01:14)
01:52 thru 02:18 - Theme I (Vn I & II) Exposition
                               (Flauti arpeggiato 01:48 thru 02:18)

BREAK DOWN Intro & Acto 1 - time signature 4/4 (simple meter)
Period I (8 measures)
00:02 thru 00:15 - Phrase A (4 measures)
                              Vn II Ondeggiare
                              Vl dactyl + spondee Pizz rhythm (semiphrase 
scenography: Colòn theater curtain closed
choreography: none
Foot in poetic Classical meter. In quantitative verse, often used in
Greek or Latin. Dactyl is a long syllable followed by two short syllables,
Spondee two long syllable and Proseleusmatic are four short syllables.

00:16 thru 00:29 - Phrase B (4 measures)
                              Vn II Ondeggiare
                              Vl dactyl + proseleusmatic Pizz rhythm (semiphrase
                               repeated), thus
                              Vl dactyl Pizz rhythm (1st & 3rd measures)             
                              Vl proseleusmatic Pizz rhythm (2st & 4th measures)
scenography: Colòn theater light chandelier
choreography: none           

Period II (8 measures)
00:30 thru 00:42 - Exposition
                              Phrase A (4 measures) - Anticipation Theme I
                              Vn I & Vn II Ondeggiare                  
                              Vl/Vc sustained whole note + proseleusmatic Pizz 
                              Flutes staccato included (semiphrase repeated)

00:43 thru 00:55 - Exposition
                              Phrase B (4 measures) - Anticipation Theme I
                              Vn I & Vn II Ondeggiare
                              Vl/Vc sustained whole note + proseleusmatic Pizz 
                              Flutes NOT included (semiphrase repeated)
scenography: Colòn theater curtain opens
                       Multilingual Welcome Greetings
choreography: 5 kids representing regions I. Patagonia, II. Cuyo,
                         III. Centro, IV. Litoral and V. Norte.

Period III (8 measures)
00:56 thru 01:10 - Theme I (Vn I) Exposition
                               Phrase A (4 measures)
                               Vn II Ondeggiare                  
                               Vl/Vc sustained whole note + proseleusmatic Pizz 
                               Flutes staccato included (semiphrase repeated)

01:11 thru 01:23 - Theme I (Vn I) Exposition
                               Phrase B (4 measures)
                               Vn II Ondeggiare                  
                               Vl/Vc sustained whole note + proseleusmatic Pizz 
                               Flutes NOT included (semiphrase repeated)
scenography: Argentina physical location in South America
choreography: 5 kids representing regions
00:53 thru 01:14 - THIS Orchestra layout Theme I Exposition
                              Vn I  -  Left (far from stage)
                              Vn II -  Left (near stage) 
                               Vl    -  Right (near stage)
                               Vc   -  Right (far from stage)
                               Cb   -  Right (far from stage)

Period IV (8 measures)
01:24 thru 01:37 - Exposition
                              Phrase A (4 measures)
                              Tutti Archi Ondeggiare (except Cb)
                              Cb + Timpani proseleusmatic rhythm

01:38 thru 01:51 - Exposition
                              Phrase B (4 measures)
                              Tutti Archi Ondeggiare (except Cb)
                              Cb + Timpani proseleusmatic rhythm
                              Campane tubolari (2nd semiphrase - 1st measure)
                              Legni arpegiatto (2nd semiphrase - 2nd measure)
scenography: Argentina's land & sea
choreography: 5 kids representing regions
01:24 thru 01:30 - Orchestra layout

Period V (8 measures)
01:52 thru 02:04 - Theme I (Vn I & II) Exposition
                               Phrase A (4 measures)
                               Vl/Vc & gruppo dei Legni Ondeggiare
                               gruppo dei Ottoni (2nd and 4th measures)
                               Cb + Timpani proseleusmatic rhythm
                               Percussione (piatti manuale)

02:05 thru 02:18 - Theme I (Vn I & II) Exposition
                               Phrase B (4 measures)
                               Vl/Vc & Legni Ondeggiare                  
                               Cb + Timpani proseleusmatic rhythm
                               Campane tubolari (2nd semiphrase - 1st measure)
                               Percussione (piatti sospesi)
scenography: Southern penguins/whales & Andes Mountain range
choreography: 5 kids representing regions
02:18 thru 02:26 - Orchestra layout

Spiccato Acto 1. Patagonia  
(a type of off-the-string bowing with Leo flavour)

02:21 thru 02:26 - Overture announced on screen IS NOT correct
                              Orchestra layout
02:27 thru 02:49 - Vn II (pyrrhic rhythm) + Pizz. Vc
03:10 thru 03:30 - Theme II (Vc) Exposition
03:31 thru 03:56 - Theme II (Vn I) Exposition
03:57 thru 04:05 - Theme III (Vl/Vc) closing theme
04:27 thru 04:37 - Theme III (Vn I & Vn II) closing theme

Foot in poetic Classical meter. In quantitative verse, often used in
Greek or Latin.  Pyrrhic rhythm are two short syllables.

BREAK DOWN Acto 1. Patagonia - 
time signature 12/8 (compound meter), then time signature 3/4 (simple meter)
Phrase I (4 measures)
02:50 thru 03:09 - Vn II (pyrrhic rhythm) overlaps change of time
                               signature to 12/8 (compound meter)
                               Vl/Vc Pizz + Flauti staccato
scenography: visual effects
choreography: all female but 2 male dancers performing 'zapateo' steps

Phrase II (4 measures)
03:10 thru 03:21 - Theme II (Vc) Exposition
                               time signature 12/8 (compound meter)
03:22 thru 03:30 - Orchestra layout Vc Theme II
scenography: visual effects
choreography: male and female dancing to a lyrical context

Phrase III (4 measures)
03:31 thru 03:56 - Theme II (Vn I) Exposition
                               Vn II detache pyrrhic rhythm
                               Phrase (4 measures) + additional measure (ottoni)
                               Orchestra layout Vn I Theme II (03:31 thru 03:39)
scenography: ship sailing ocean south and jumping whales
choreography: male and female dancing to a lyrical melody

Phrase IV (4 measures)
03:57 thru 04:05 - Theme III (Vl/Vc) closing theme
                               time signature to 3/4 (simple meter)
scenography: southern whales then visual effects
choreography: equine men (like Greek centaurs) dressed as 'gauchos'

Period (8 measures)
04:07 thru 04:18 - Coda (orchestra)
                               Phrase V (4 measures)
04:19 thru 04:26 - Coda (orchestra)
                               Phrase VI (4 measures)
                               Orchestra layout Equines (thru 04:27)
scenography: visual effects
choreography: equine men (like Greek centaurs) dressed as 'gauchos'

Phrase VII (4 measures)
04:27 thru 04:37 - Theme III (Vn I & Vn II) closing theme
                               Orchestra layout
scenography: Glacier 'Perito Moreno'
choreography: equine men (like Greek centaurs) dressed as 'gauchos'

Period (8 measures)
04:38 thru 04:59 -  End themes Acto 1. Patagonia
scenography: Glacier 'Perito Moreno'
choreography: equine men (like Greek centaurs) dressed as 'gauchos'

05:00 thru 05:09 - Diminuendo & 1st Applause

Malambo Excerpt  (a male dance performed by ‘gauchos’)
This section might be considered an Episode, an Interlude, a Transition or even an Intermezzo. In our humble opinion, only a very unorthodox and innovative mind who has a love affair with musical shakes would called it an Overture.  

05:10 thru 07:15 - Excerpts Ginastera 'Estancia' (Scene V Malambo)   
                              { Danza del trigo Scene II and Danza final Scene V
                                 danza final counter 04:58
                               Orchestra layout (06:26 thru 06:32)
07:16 thru 07:23 - 2nd Applause
scenography: running horses ('Pampa Humeda' region), northwestern 
                       canyons and visual effects
choreography: 'zapateo' performed by men (only two in traditional
                        'gaucho salteño' costume) and two female with 

Recurring musical Passages and Themes
G20 'Argentum' Colon show - Television Publica broadcast
 ( YouTube title ‘Argentum, el espectáculo que emocionó al G20’ 
Act 2. Cuyo 
07:50 thru 08:23 - Da Capo Ondeggiare Introduction  
                              Period I
08:24 thru 08:45 - Da Capo Ondeggiare Introduction 
                              only Phrase A (4 measures) Period II
                              Acto 1. Patagonia announced on screen at 08:29 thru 
                                                           08:48 IS NOT correct

Act 3. Pampa Humeda  (Centro)
11:40 thru 12:34 - Da Capo Ondeggiare Acto 1. Patagonia Rock genre
                              Period I (truncate 6 measures)
12:35 thru 12:53 - Da Capo Ondeggiare Acto 1. Patagonia Rock genre
                              only semiPhrase A (2 measures) Period II
                              Acto 2. Centro announced on screen at 12:40 thru 
                                                      12:53 but Act Nº, IS NOT correct

Act 4. Litoral 
20:15 thru 20:55 - Da Capo Ondeggiare Acto 1. Patagonia
                              Period I Theme I (tempo adagio)
20:56 thru 21:15 - Da Capo Ondeggiare Acto 1. Patagonia                
                              only Phrase A Period II Theme I (tempo adagio)      

21:16 thru 21:46 - Spiccato Acto 1. Patagonia (same as 02:19 thru 02:49)
                              Period I (truncate 6 measures)
                              Vn II (pyrrhic rhythm) + Pizz. Vc
                              Orchestra layout (21:45 thru 21:55)
                              Iguazu WaterFalls 21:21 thru 21:36
                              Acto 3. Litoral announced on screen at 21:37 thru 
                                                      21:46 but Act Nº, IS NOT correct
21:47 thru 22:08 - Spiccato Acto 1. Patagonia
                              Phrase I (4 measures)
                              Vn II (pyrrhic rhythm) overlaps change of time
                               signature to 12/8 (compound meter)
                              Vl/Vc Pizz + Flauti staccato
                              Orchestra layout (21:46 thru 21:55)          
22:08 thru 22:27 - Spiccato Acto 1. Patagonia Theme II (vc)
                              Phrase II (4 measures) + 1 additional measure
                              time signatute 12/8 (compound meter)                  
                              Orchestra layout (22:04 thru 22:11)
                              dancer Julio Boca (22:12 thru 22:59)
22:28 thru 22:56 - Spiccato Acto 1. Patagonia Theme II (Vn I)
                              Phrase I (4 measures)
                              Vn II detache pyrrhic rhythm

There are not Recurring musical Passages or Themes from Sinfonia Antàrtica { You Tube title 'Nicolás Sorín Sinfónico - Sinfonía antártica I (Esperanza) Live at CCK Buenos Aires' 23-Feb-21 }, connecting Act 4. Litoral with Act 5. Norte (Acto 3. Litoral announced on screen at 21:37 thru 21:46 and Acto 4. Norte announced on screen 25:56 thru 26:53, but Act Nºs ARE NOT correct). 


With that being said, musical director Nicolás Sorín’s ‘Sinfonia Antàrtica’ I. Esperanza contributions, surpassed all expectations. An extinct YouTube channel once wrote: 

“ ‘Argentum’ is a cutting-edge performance which featured 84 dancers, 75 muscians and various guest artists. In just roughly 37 minutes, invited the audience to experience Argentina’s diversity 1st hand: its landscapes, unique flora and fauna, natural resources, products from the country`s lands and its people, as well as different traditions from the country`s regions:

Raging waves, thundering glaciers, strong winds, fishing boats fighting a dangerous sea, prosperous wind farms, and hard working people showcase the best of Patagonia. A traditional Argentine ‘gaucho’ (cowboy) bursts into this magical land, where bushes and snow, forests and deep-blue lakes converge, while the powerful ‘Malambo’ from Ginastera`s one act ballet ‘Estancia’ is played in the background.

The Cuyo region, in the west part of Argentina, a land of contrasts in the foothills of The Andes. The wind swirls from the snowed peaks of The Andes to the green valleys, amidst silent olive groves and sunny vineyards. Highlighted here is the vivacious atmosphere experienced by locals during the iconic grape harvest season.

Argentine Rock music with its industrial feel, beatbox and then Tango will introduce The Pampa (Centro) region and Argentina`s largest cities. Golden grasslands and highly fertile soils, the city, immigrant memories and the nostalgia that accompanies it, neoclassical palaces erected next to crystal towers.

The Litoral waterfalls, birds, violins and harps create an atmosphere in which the sounds of European instruments merge with nature. A group of accordion players announce the beginning of a 'Chamamè' party. Rivers, wetlands, forests and islands, loggers and fishers join the performance.

The journey finally take the audience to the Norte, where the past and the future merge. Pre-Columbian origins, cutting-edge technology, red hued mountains, ‘ponchos’ and colonial ‘pueblos’. Electronic beats mix with the sound of local ‘sikus’ and ‘charangos’ to create a catchy northern ‘cumbia’, which is later replaced by the poweful drums of a digitally intervened ‘Chacarera’. Then, a ‘Carnavalito’ breaks into the scene with wind instruments, percussion, singers and dancers take part in a powerful final scene.”

The symbiosis of Nicolas Sorin`s music with the context described above, is such that makes us wonder if he has the gift of synesthesia.


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